“My favorite poem I ever heard.”

- Eckhart Tolle

“Her words are alive the same way

notation can fly off a page and

become sweet music.”

- Jason Mraz

“Of the same wealth and value as

anything one can hope to find in

a volume of Rumi, Hafiz, St. John

of the Cross, or St. Teresa of Avila.

A grand range of mind and soul

awaits any who ventures near Alice

Frank’s verse. Her poems can help

us defy gravity. Who doesn’t trade

their gold for that?”

- Daniel Ladinsky


“It is hard to express how deep of an impact Alice had on the retreat as a whole. She helped us to create meaningful experiences that we have been trying to do for several years.” - Rabbi Marc D. Israel 

“Alice has been a Spiritual and Relationship guide for me ever since we met nearly 20 years ago. Of all the spiritual leaders and gurus I’ve spoken to and worked with, in my opinion she most purely embodies love“ - Joshua Vogelstein, neuroscientist

“It’s hard to put into words quite how magical Alice Frank is. Her presence in every moment melts the soul. When I was having trouble communicating with a partner of mine Alice helped us uncover what was hidden deeply in our hearts I am forever grateful to her for the truth we found.” - Erin Richards, actor

“Alice has made a huge impact in my life. I met her at a time of transition and incredible growth potential/crisis that leaned into growth potential in part because of Alice and the way that she supported me through that difficult time. And now I’ve continued to work with her to support my marriage. I’m so deeply grateful to Alice for her incredible wisdom and insight into the creative realm of creatures that can be so life-affirming, holy, love-affirming, and positive so thank you. Deeply Grateful“ - Shoshana Leis, Rabbi

“Alice has catalyzed for me new universes of power and possibility. I wouldn’t have believed how much I’m capable of. Time with Alice is the most exquisite, far reaching, nurturing to my literal voice- of what I have to say in the world- of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self. She is one of the greatest teachers of my life, and I am endlessly grateful for the gift of working with her.“ - Vivian Lehrer Stadlin, Artist

“I’ve worked with Alice on relationship coaching and  embracing a life of loving people, fully and completely, naturally, uninhibited by what I might’ve perceived as wrong. We worked on finding a place of clarity around who I am, and what intimacy is asking of me in each of my relationships. That they can be an expression of an infinite love that courses through humanity, that I get to be a part of, and step inside of fully and without shame.” - Rabbi S.L.


• posters for one-person show, “God Porn”