Scholar in Residence
Alice is prepared for Keynotes, TED Talks, D'vrei Torah, Shal(om) Yoga, Inspirational Speaking (Provincetown Inspirational Weekend), Evolutionary Talks on the Changing Paradigm of Love (The Unifier Festival), Poetry Performance.
It is hard to express how how deep of an impact Alice had on the retreat as a whole. She helped us to create meaningful experiences that we have been trying to do for several years. - Rabbi Marc D. Israel
Alice founded Shal(om) Yoga in 2003 and has taught around the world since. She has been a student and lover of mystical Judaism ever since a profound awakening on Yom Kippur alone in her room when she was 21 years-old. Taking the perspective of that experience, she immersed herself in the essence of Torah and its teachings.
She has spoken on "Opening Up" relationships since she was 18 years old.
Topics include:
• UNIAMORY- Alice's synthesis of Monogymy, Polyamory, Open Relationship...
• LOVE, ACTUALLY... Healing the World
• The Parasha of the Week and The Festivals, from a Consciousness Perspective.
• The 7 Secrets of Public Speaking, as devised by sometimes co-leader, Richard Greene.
• The Dissolution of Dating from a Kabbalistic Perspective
... Ya know. Anything Really Interesting.